Elly | Master Stylist

Elly | Master Stylist

Elly is a hairstylist extraordinaire with a wealth of experience in the dynamic world of hair. Her keen eye for detail and exceptional skills in working with brunettes, blondes, and creative colors have made her a sought-after stylist. She creates unique and beautiful hairstyles that leave her clients feeling rejuvenated and full of confidence.

What sets Elly apart is her genuine passion for making a difference in people's lives through hair. She takes immense pride in her work and is thrilled to be the Busy At Work Ambassador, recognized by her peers and clients for her dedication and skills.

When she's not crafting stunning hairstyles in the salon, Elly loves spending time with friends and her adorable pets. You can also find her hitting the gym, trying out new places to eat, and embarking on outdoor adventures. With her friendly and approachable personality, Elly not only provides great hair but also creates a memorable and enjoyable experience for her clients. She's the kind of stylist who knows how to make you look fabulous and feel fantastic.

What's something a lot of people don't know about you?

I can play piano I can write music and poems

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Slow down, sit down and just let it flow how it’s going to flow

Tap here to follow Elly on Instagram.

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